WordPress Ads Adder To Maximize Ads Revenues

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August 11, 2013 at 02:00PM

WordPress – WordPress Ads Adder – To Maximize Ads Revenues | CodeCanyon

WordPress Ads Adder To Maximize Ads Revenues his title this type of WordPress This time I will review,made by ser-html, WordPress is sold at a price of $15 in themeforest.

WordPress Ads Adder - To Maximize Ads Revenues - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

marketplace.load(“http://jwpsrv.com/library/9Vqd1GQnEeKMjiIACp8kUw.js”); marketplace.queue(function(){ new marketplace.Video({ file: “http://2.s3.envato.com/h264-video-previews/052d9a64-00df-11e3-9ef8-005056923f83/354661.mp4″, poster: “http://3.s3.envato.com/files/63658770/WP-Ads-adder-590×300.jpg”, title: “WordPress Ads Adder – To Maximize Ads Revenues”, height: “480″, width: “640″, embed_url: “http://codecanyon.net/item/wordpress-ads-adder-to-maximize-ads-revenues/embed/5315538″, isMainPreview: false }).setup(); });

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Created11 August 13
Last Update11 August 13
Compatible BrowsersIE8, IE9, IE10, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Software VersionWordPress 3.5, WordPress 3.4, WordPress 3.3, WordPress 3.2, WordPress 3.1
High ResolutionNo
Files IncludedJavaScript JS, CSS, PHP

WordPress (WP) Ads Adder is a ads management plugin for WordPress sites with an easy interface. WP Ads Adder Plugin helps you to add multiple ads slots into your posts, according to your contents. You can manually define alignment for each ads slot.

This plugin not only helps you to utilize the wasted pixels within your post but also help you to maximize your ads revenue by bringing more CTR. An Ad within post content gets 40% more revenues than the ad in sidebar or footer.

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