Blogging – Curri Ghost Theme | ThemeForest
Curri Ghost Theme Ghost Themes Blogging his title this type of Blogging/GhostThemes This time I will review,made by themelizeme, Blogging/GhostThemes is sold at a price of $22 in // clean // cv // ghost // mobile first // purple // responsive // retina // timeline //
Created | 1 November 13 |
Last Update | 1 November 13 |
Columns | 2 |
Compatible Browsers | IE9, IE10, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome |
Compatible With | Bootstrap 3 |
Documentation | Well Documented |
High Resolution | Yes |
Layout | Responsive |
ThemeForest Files Included | Layered PSD, HBS Files, CSS Files, JS Files, PSD |
Curri Ghost theme is a simple but eye catching Ghost blog theme with many slick features.
It’s the follow up to our Curri HTML theme (
The theme is built with Twitter Bootstrap 3.0 and features a timeline blog list with 5 different timeline styles to choose from. Its fully mobile first and responsive and supports all types of media within posts (images, videos & sound clips). Disqus commenting is also supported. Behind the design, the theme supports both Facebook & Twitter meta tags & provides rich snippets support ( to make your theme stand out in search results!!
Key Features:
- Built on Bootstrap 3.0
- Font Awesome icons 4.0.0
- Retina Ready!
- IcoMoon Icons
- Mobile first & Fully responsive (wide, normal, narrow, mobile)
- Clean well commented code, easy to customise
- Simple, bold, clean design
- Valid HTML5
- JSHint Compilant
- Google font (OpenSans)
- Drop down mini menu
- Featured media support (first image, video or sound clip in post is used)
- Disqus commenting
- Slick share widgets
- Share widgets
- Sticky post header
- Rich snippets support (
- Facebook & Twitter meta data built in
- Regular updates
Related produck This user:themelizeme
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