Mobile – GroupChat | CodeCanyon
GroupChat his title this type of Mobile/iOS/FrameworksandLibraries This time I will review,made by RelatedCode, Mobile/iOS/FrameworksandLibraries is sold at a price of $15 in themeforest.Xcode // chat // groupchat // ios //
Created | 4 November 13 |
Last Update | 4 November 13 |
Files Included | .h, .m, .pch |
Mobile OS | IOS 7.0.x |
GroupChat is a full native iPhone app to create realtime, text based chatrooms.
GroupChat is using Firebase as backend which is free for side projects or businesses that are just getting started. (Free plan: 5 GB Data Transfer, 50 Max Connections, 100 MB Data Storage).
Really easy to setup, just copy and paste the code and use your own chatrooms.
- Realtime, live chat between multiple devices– No backend programming needed– Automatic online/offline detection and handle– Native and easy to customise user interface
- Xcode 5– iOS 7– ARC
1., You need the following (built in) libraries: CFNetwork.framework, Security.framework, SystemConfiguration.framework, libicucore.dylib.
To add libraries follow these steps: Click on the Targets ? Your app name ? and then the ‘Build Phases’ tab and then expand ‘Link Binary With Libraries’. Click the plus button in the bottom left of the ‘Link Binary With Libraries’ section and choose library items from the list.
2., The Prefix.pch should contain:
#import <SystemConfiguration/SystemConfiguration.h>
3., You also need one external library: ProgressHUD which is included the source code. But if you need, you can download from here:
To use this library, just add ProgressHUD directory to your project.
4., You should use your own Firebase account. You can get your Firebase account here:
5., Replace existing Firebase account in common.h:
#define FIREBASE @""
6., Replace existing username in common.h:
#define USERNAME @"Username"
7., All GroupChat files located in groupchat directory. Simply add groupchat directory to your project.
1., Open up your View Controller file where you want to use GroupChat and add the following import to the top of the file:
#import "TableChat.h"
2., Then paste the following inside your code:
TableChat *tableChat = [[TableChat alloc] initWith:@"Chatroom1"]; [self.navigationController pushViewController:tableChat animated:YES];
3., Compile and run.
You can find sample usage code in TableMenu.m.
Check screenshots for visual details.
Related produck This user:RelatedCode
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