The Form Builder WebApp SaaS

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November 02, 2013 at 06:00PM

PHP Scripts – The Form Builder – WebApp – SaaS | CodeCanyon

The Form Builder WebApp SaaS his title this type of PHPScripts/Forms This time I will review,made by ser-html, PHPScripts/Forms is sold at a price of $25 in themeforest.The Form Builder - WebApp - SaaS - CodeCanyon Item for Saleautoresponder // contact form // form builder // php form builder // reservation form // self-hosted form builder // upload form //

Created2 November 13
Last Update2 November 13
Compatible BrowsersIE10, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Software VersionPHP 5.4, MySQL 5.x
High ResolutionYes
Software FrameworkYii
Files IncludedJavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL, Layered PNG

The form builder is a completly web-application ready to use both a SaaS application or an application only for you company. Each user is able to create an account and manage own forms & data. Also each user of the script can delete an account at once (for example if decied that they don’t want use the account anymore). You as a license owner to the script can decide if you want to sell accounts or give them for free! It’s really cool that after you have installed the form builer you are able to earn money immediately!

DEMO: user: pass: demo123


Unlimited amount of accounts

There is no limit for accounts. Your users or you can create it as much as you (or they) need. It means a your possibilty to earn money on a selling accounts is unlimited.

Unlimited forms

There is no limit for forms. You or your users can create it as much as they need.

Unlimited fields

There is no limit for fields. You or your users can create a sofisticated forms or a simple forms without any limits to amount of fields binded to these forms.

Unlimited entries

There is no limit for entries. You and your users do not have to worry about limit of information (exactly it means records) you or they want to grab from audience via created forms.


Each form created via the web form can have unlimited amount of autoresponders binded to the form. There are two types of events that turn on the autoresponder (first type „form sent” and second „field has value”). For example: you can add two autoresponders to a contact form. First autoresponder will raised if user fill fields correctly and send a form, a second autoresponder will raised if a some field in this form will keep a some value. Additionaly each autoresponder is able to send a file as a attachment so it can be used to build an email address list (for example: you or your users can offer a free pdf if they fill a form).

Form stats

Each form has an own stats. You can easy check view stats or conversion ratio for 15 days back.

Export data to CSV (Excel, OpenOffice Calc)

If you wish to export data grabbed via form you can do that so easy. There is a possibility to export data to CSV file. This format is readable by almost all programs to manage data (Excel, OpenOffice Calc and much more..)

Available field types:

Text Date Radio Email Select Checkbox Textarea File (upload with progress bar) Multiple

User friendly interface

The main goal during work on the script is as simple user interface as it is possible. There is lots of ajax request (request that no need to reload a whole page but only a small piece of them).

Strong security

The web form builder is very well secured. It means that panel for forms & data management is secured against of all types hacker atacks. Each url in an account panel is hashed by uniq hash for each instance of this script. It means that your copy of the script is absolute secured. Input data coming from form are filters before save to the database.

Email notification

You and your users can decide if wish to receive an email notofication after each a form submit action. The message contains all data that user input to the form. It means you haven’t to login to the panel in order to see new entries!

Easy embedding a form into own website

Each form can be easly embded to a website by iframe. You and your users can use it as a contact form, reservation form etc.. Also there is a possibility to do a new entry imieditly from an admin panel.

Redirect after a form submit action

You and your users can decide to each form they have created if after a form submit action user should be redirect to a new page or shows only a simply „thank you” text.

Download of files added via forms

Each file added via form (by upload field) can be easly downloaded from an admin panel by an owner of account.


An owner of copy of this script can use it for one domain or one sub-domain. It’s not allowed to publication the source code on Internet.


The basic support is provided by email or skype. If a client wish to install the script on own server by author of this script it cost 30$ additionaly.

Free updates

As an owner of copy of the script you are allowed to receive free updates for 3 months. After this time you can decide if you want receive new updates and then each update will cost 5$.



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