Titanium Infinite Scrolling Component

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November 03, 2013 at 12:00AM

Mobile – Titanium Infinite Scrolling Component | CodeCanyon

Titanium Infinite Scrolling Component his title this type of Mobile/Titanium/CustomControls This time I will review,made by ser-html, Mobile/Titanium/CustomControls is sold at a price of $10 in themeforest.Titanium Infinite Scrolling Component - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

marketplace.load(“http://jwpsrv.com/library/9Vqd1GQnEeKMjiIACp8kUw.js”); marketplace.queue(function(){ new marketplace.Video({ file: “http://1.s3.envato.com/h264-video-previews/d348850e-401c-11e3-9ebb-005056923f83/5981166.mp4″, poster: “http://3.s3.envato.com/files/71264937/infinitePreview.jpg”, title: “Titanium Infinite Scrolling Component”, height: “530″, width: “240″, embed_url: “http://codecanyon.net/item/titanium-infinite-scrolling-component/embed/5981166″, isMainPreview: false, downloadButtonImage: “http://3.envato-static.com/assets/common/icons-buttons/jwplayer/download-eb5728b2b4151e6add30ad99706fbd81.png” }).setup(); });

Scrollview // component // infinite // libray // titanium //
Created2 November 13
Last Update2 November 13
Files IncludedJavaScript JS
Mobile OSIOS 5.0, IOS 5.1, IOS 6.0, IOS 6.1.x, IOS 7.0.x

Titanium Component to create infinite scrollView element, you can dinamcly load data from remote or db when the scrollview reach the end of visible items

the only library necessary is underscoreJS

how to setup it, included in the zip file.

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